hGears forms an ESG committee

hGears forms an ESG committee

As part of the activities to strengthen hGears’ Vision and Values, we are glad to announce the constitution of the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Committee whose aim is to further develop the Group’s strategy concerning ESG matters.

The ESG Committee comprises of the following members:

Pierluca Sartorello – CEO (Chairman)

Daniel Basok – CFO (Governance)

Federico Mangolini – COO (Environment)

Gianluca Bordin – Group HR Director (Social)

Christian Weiz – Head of IR

The Committee members will advise and assist the Committee Chairman in managing all activities concerning environmental measures, sustainability goals, corporate governance and social responsibility.

The establishment of the ESG Committee is inspired by our fundamental beliefs: our Vision & Values. Integrity, diversity, environmental awareness, collaboration and team-work as well as our innovative approach are all core principles that shape our culture and define all Group’s decisions.

The new ESG Committee will strengthen hGears focus on these fundamental topics which are integral part of the Group’s overall business strategy.

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