hGears participates in the Open Day PMI

hGears participates in the Open Day PMI

mG miniGears Padova has decided to open its doors again to a local school, taking part in a project called “INDUSTRIAMOCI OPEN DAY PMI”, as one of the most innovative companies of the area.

Nineteen students of a graduating class of “I.P.S.I.A. Bernardi “, a Professional Institute for Industry and Craft Workers in Padova, had the possibility to discover our company and to do an interesting factory tour with our hGears technicians.

In particular, the Lean Production approach, one of the core values of our company, caught the attention of both teachers and students, as one of the subjects of their studies for the high school graduation exam.

hGears strongly believes in the importance of building constructive relationships with the educational institutions and with students who are entering the professional life.

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