Our dedication to ESG

Our dedication to ESG

Embracing an ESG strategy is not just a choice, it's a crucial step that aligns with our core values. It allows us to seamlessly integrate environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and robust governance considerations into our day-to-day operations and long-term strategies.

We are excited to introduce our expanded ESG Committee, comprising dedicated individuals from various key roles within hGears. Their expertise and passion will drive our ESG initiatives forward, ensuring that we not only meet but exceed the expectations for sustainable and responsible business practices.

Current ESG Committee:

- Sven Arend, CEO (Chairman)

- Daniel Basok, CFO (Deputy Chairman)

- Christian Weiz, Head of IR (ESG Manager)

- Gianluca Bordin, Group HR Director (Social)

- Alice De Conti, EHS Manager (Environmental)

- Frank Elsebrock, Group Risk & Compliance Manager (Governance)

Join us as we continue this journey towards a more sustainable future, where our collective commitment to ESG principles not only consolidates our position as responsible citizens but also ensures the sustainability of our operations and the well-being of our communities.

Find out more about our Corporate Culture here.

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