Sharing our Vision & Values

Sharing our Vision & Values

Last week we held three plant meetings in our facilities – Germany, Italy and China – to discuss our company Vision & Values with all hGears people.

We believe that simply knowing our vision and values is not enough, we wanted to talk about these principles with all our people to share a deep understanding of what values such as One hGears, Sustainability, Diversity, Integrity, Growth & Innovation mean in our everyday life.

hGears activities are driven by shared values which define who we are and what we do. Everybody within the organisation needs to know where we are headed so that it is clear how we can actively participate in achieving our ambitious goals while contributing to society in a positive way.

A company’s success is definitely linked to social progress, that’s why our vision “we enable outstanding solutions for a better world” perfectly defines hGears’ purpose and future aspirations. Watch our new V&V video featuring CEO Pierluca Sartorello and CFO Daniel Basok.

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