We proudly support the municHMotorsport Formula Student Racing Team

We proudly support the municHMotorsport Formula Student Racing Team

We are proud sponsor of municHMotorsport, the Formula Student Racing Team of the Munich University of Applied Sciences.

This amazing group of students is sharing a common goal: putting theoretical knowledge into practice working closely together as a passionate team.

The team includes students coming from automotive engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, design, business administration and more.

They dedicate their free time to developing vehicles which are very technologically advanced and sophisticated. We support them with our know-how in the mobility field and also by supplying car components for their vehicles.

The team started competing in 2006 in the Formula Student Combustion. Since 2010 they have been participating in the Formula Student Electric and currently, they compete also in the Formula Student Driverless, a new class of competition which involves autonomous drive vehicles.

hGears is a big fan of people striving to use their skills and competence to achieve ambitious goals, especially when this is driven by innovation.

Go Formula Student Racing team!

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