hGears awarded a special prize to the University of Padova during the Enactus Italian National Competition

hGears awarded a special prize to the University of Padova during the Enactus Italian National Competition

We are pleased to have supported the Italian National Competition of Enactus, an international organization that promotes the next generation of young entrepreneurs with a particular attention to social and environmental issues. During the event, on 17th June 2021, several teams of university students presented their business projects related to sustainable development and innovation.

hGears has decided to reward one of the competing teams, the University of Padua, by assigning the #hGearsSpecialAward worth 3000 euros.

The Padua team presented "Parimenti" project, aimed at international students in order to successfully integrate them into the Italian job market and "Boiling frog" project, which offers a community able to provide accessible information and sources to act in a more sustainable and conscious way.

Our contribution will also include a visit to the hGears headquarters in Padua, the presentation of the winning project to our company representatives and our support in its implementation.

hGears colleagues in China and Germany are collaborating with Enactus Germany and Enactus China for other major projects. In particular, hGears Germany also participated as judge in the German National Competition.

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