School-Business Partnerships:
hGears projects for 2021

hGears Group pays particular attention to cooperation with schools and universities, supporting activities dedicated to students who are entering the world of work.
In a difficult time such as the one we are experiencing, great emphasis is placed on education by hGears Padova, the Italian plant of the hGears group. This time we have involved the young students of some local schools, who more than ever feel the need to create concrete opportunities for discussion and collaboration.
Among others, the training activity carried out with the Technical Economic Institute Calvi in Padua is remarkable, turning a spotlight on the issues of "Corporate Social Responsibility". We then participated in a project with the fifth grades of some institutes in the province of Padua and Treviso to raise awareness among young people on the importance of developing soft skills in view of their future entry into the world of work.
Strongly believing in the value of training, the name of hGears Padova appears among the list of partner companies of the ITS Academy Mechatronics of Vicenza, hosting several young people in two-year courses of school-work alternation in various company functions.
However, hGears Group is undertaking large-scale projects also outside Italy. We have in fact entered into a three-year partnership agreement with ENACTUS, an international non-profit organization that conveys the synergy of university students committed to bridging the gap between the academic and professional world, supporting projects and initiatives in Italy, Germany and China ( ).