Lean training programme at our Padova plant

Lean training programme at our Padova plant

Today we celebrate the conclusion of the Lean training programme at our Padova plant.

More than 150 employees from all company departments were involved in the first phase of the project whose objective was to teach the Lean Thinking basics.

The second phase involved a smaller group of people who attended in-depth sessions dedicated to the Lean Thinking management. The team also had the opportunity to apply the lean principles within the Considi Digital Gear Factory lab by simulating the lean transformation process that a manufacturing company would accomplish over 12-24 months.

The final round of the programme was based on the Ohno-Circle technique – an approach aimed to detect waste and inefficiency in a manufacturing process in order to set a base for improvement activities.

The team completing the whole programme has been awarded a Lean Graduation Certificate and its 20 members are now ready to act as ambassadors of our Lean Transformation project within hGears.

02 01 03

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